
LargaVista plans 150K sf Washington Heights resi building

Midtown-based LargaVista Companies filed a permit application for a new 19-story residential buildin

A drawing of 4566 Broadway in Washington Heights (credit: LargaVista) and Marcello Porcelli

Midtown-based LargaVista Companies filed a permit application for a new 19-story residential building in Washington Heights.

The developer – led by Marcello Porcelli – will build a 171-unit, 149,000-square-foot square foot building with retail at the base at 4566 Broadway, at Nagle Avenue.

The project is larger than current zoning at the site would allow, and the developer has already indicated it intends to seek a variance, according to its website, though no application has yet been filed.

Stantec is the architect of record, New York YIMBY reported.

LargaVista, formerly an operator of gas stations, owns about 60 parcels throughout the city, which in total include about three million in development rights, according to its website.

The company is developing 300 Lafayette Street in Soho along with the Related Companies. The partners are planning a seven-story, 83,000-square-foot office-and-retail complex there.

Two new boutique hotels recently opened in the neighborhood. [NY YIMBY] – Ariel Stulberg

Source: The Real Deal