
Kylie and Kendall Jenner just renting Tribeca penthouse; 9/11 first responders will get NYC memorial

Remember architect John Belle, founder partner of Beyer Blinder Belle, who built his career on re

Remember architect John Belle, founder partner of Beyer Blinder Belle, who built his career on resuscitating New York landmarks. [NYT] A “giant vacuum cleaner” could replace the High Line’s current trash system. [DNAinfo] Turns out Kylie Jenner didn’t buy that $7 million Tribeca penthouse. She and little sis Kendall are renting it, possibly for $28,000/month. [TRD] Governor Cuomo announced that New York State will build a monument to 9/11 first responders in New York City. [Gothamist] Remember that $39/night converted taxi rental? Here’s the story behind it. [NYT]

Kylie and Kendall Jenner just renting Tribeca penthouse; 9/11 first responders will get NYC memorial : 6sqft